Thursday, April 29, 2010


My favorite place is California.
five year ago it was my first time going to California and
while i was there i saw my sister.
We went to California for three days and four nights.
My partner drove for one day and half to get to California.
California is different from Washington. In California
is hotter and things are less expensive. In California i had so
much fun with ma sister and my family. My granddaughter went,
she was 5 months. We went to the stores n bought new stuff. Also
we took my sister to work in toys r' us .
When I was in California, I went to Disneyland.
I went to Disneyland with my family we had so much fun.
When I was in Disneyland i got in most of the games. Our goal
was to ride all games but we didn't reach our goal. At 8:00 pm
a festival started. All the Disney characters were walking and taking
pictures with people. Around 10 pm, there were fireworks. we stayed
until 11 pm.
My favorite place is California. I had so much fun with my family.
I will never forget that weekend. When i got home i was telling all
my friends about what i had experienced at California and i hope i
go to California again.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Hi my name is Maria Solorzano. I am from Michoacan Mexico. I was born in Apatzingan Mich. and I lived in Uruapan Mich. most of my life. I came to USA on Feb, 2oo1 I came alone, worked for two years . I saved up money to bring my children. I didn't have time to go to School now that my children are grown up. I really want to learn and I hope a succed.

My parent still live in Mexico, sometimes they are visit me., I have big family., I have four brodthers and five sisters, I live in Renton WA. I have four children, two daugthers and two sons, My first daugther is merried she has two daugthers. my family and I'm are happy now.

Friday, April 16, 2010